5 Easy (and Inventive) Ways to Keep the Casa Clean

I have come to the scary conclusion that the majority of my life will be spent either behind a vacuum cleaner, constantly unplugging/replugging as I move around the house, or with yellow gloves on sorting through the muck of the dishes, only to find them there again… and again… and again…

So after this realization, and after slamming the dishes around a little hard and after pushing the vacuum cleaner into my husband’s heel a little too forcefully, I decided that I wouldn’t let this be my fate. So here’s my secret list of how I can get the house cleaned without really cleaning, and negotiate some of the chores because, really, who cares if there are spots on the windows? At least the hedges haven’t overgrown to the point you can’t see them anymore, and besides maybe I like them that way.

1.       24/7 On-Call Vacuuming: If you have kids, it is essential that you get a dog – no amount of money will buy you the vacuum cleaning service that a dog will (trust me) and a dog doesn’t need to recharge its batteries. Just ignore the dog fur for now, I’ll get to that.

2.       Window Washing: For those sticklers about clean windows, my best advice to you is to not wash them, unless if you’re selling your house. Everyone likes tinted windows in their cars, why not use the dirt of life to give your house a little extra privacy? I know I do.

3.       Dishes: Unfortunately, there’s really no way around doing the dishes, unless if you go the route of having everything made out of paper, including the sink and your pots and pans, so my advice is to switch off with whomever you live with… I’ll load if you unload, but make sure you always choose the one that is the less amount of work. The key is to stay in the kitchen for a really long time (maybe bring your I-Phone in there and sit on the floor) so that it makes it seem ten times longer than the other choice. Voila!

4.       Laundry: I hate laundry, almost as much as doing the dishes, but my husband hates doing the laundry too, so there’s really no room for compromise, I end up doing it because unlike my husband I don’t have 600 white shirts to go through and I end up caving in. So if you are unlucky like myself, throw a load into the laundry and once it’s done, dump it onto the bed. Then when you’re ready to go to sleep, you’ll have to put it all away, and more than likely someone will be too tired to fight and will end up helping.

5.       Dog fur: Spend five minutes a week vacuuming up those dog fur piles that end up in the corners of the house, and that’s it. Don’t worry about the other loose hair around the house, it will find its way into a fur ball in a corner and be vacuumed up when it’s ready.

6.       And Last… don’t forget to get some Lavendar smelling Febreeze, nothing works quite like it! I spray it around the house and it smells like everything just came out of the laundry, even the garbage can and bathrooms (see sometimes you can fool people into thinking that you really can do these things!!!!).

Now that I’ve shared my tips and tricks, let me know yours!!! Cheers!

-          Mommi Insanity

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